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Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Ph.D. Cristina M. Giannantonio, Ph.D., Journal of Business and Management- Autism in the workplace, Vol. 22 No. 1

Employment Toolkit for People with Autism-

Strengths and abilities in autism -

Strengths that Come with Autism and Why You Should Care -

Autism – Strengths- 

Fulfilling job ideas for people living with autism -

How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Works –

The 9 Belbin Team Roles (With Examples and Definitions) -

Neurodiversity – an organisational advantage to be valued and supported-

Boydell T., Leary M., Identyfikacja potrzeb szkoleniowych, Oficyna Ekonomiczna, Kraków.

Kossowska M., Ocena i rozwój umiejętności pracowniczych, Akade, Kraków.

Matthews J.J., Megginson D., Surtees M., Rozwój zasobów ludzkich,  Wydawnictwo HELION, Gliwice.

Mayo A., Kształtowanie strategii szkoleń i rozwoju pracowników, Oficyna ekonomiczna, Kraków.

Parsloe E., Wray M., Trener i mentor. Udział coachingu i mentoringu w  doskonaleniu procesu uczenia się, Oficyna Ekonomiczna, Kraków.

Woodruffe C., Ośrodki oceny i rozwoju, Oficyna Ekonomiczna, Kraków.

Work based training Book- SEPAL project 

Training courses for employers-

National Disability Authority- Assisting People with Autism. Guidance for Line Managers and HR Professionals- 

Mentoring autistic employees- 

The National Autistic Society Northern Ireland, the Department for Employment and Learning, the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and Employers for Disability NI- Employing people with autism: a brief guide for employers- 

Autism at Work: Hiring and Training Employees on the Spectrum-

What is 'Competency Mapping'

Building Employability Skills in Persons with ASD through Volunteerism-

Workplace skills 

What is 'Competency Mapping' 

The National Autistic Society- Employing people with Asperger Syndrome: a practical guide

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