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Administrative assistant position interview

[Displayed on screen] Help people feel comfortable, help them to shine and share their talents.

  • [Tomeya, HR Representative] Hi Dylan, thank you for coming in today, I appreciate your time. I’m going to ask you just a few questions but I want you to be relaxed and is to be very conversational and if at any point you have any questions please stop me and ask me and I’ll be happy to clarify.

  • [Dylan, Business Major, Job Seeker] Yeah.

[Tomeya speaking] I set the stage with all of my interviews just so they know what to expect, what the cadence is going to be, how I like to kind of run the interview, but then also just so that they feel comfortable asking questions. You know, interviews are very nerve-wracking for everyone. As much as I can be calm in an interview the better that person is going to shine, so I try and do that with all of my interviews because it is… interviews are very stressful, it’s not a natural thing, and so the more relaxed I can make the person the better they will perform in an interview.

[Dylan speaking] Just a slower process would help me to just give answers out easier and in a much detailed manner.

  • [T] And so… this position has a lot of multitasking where you’ll be on the phone, people are going to be calling, there’s going to be people coming in, there’s obviously this: the computer skills and the phone skills. Have you ever had a job where you’ve had to do different things at different times?

  • [D] I haven’t had a job with being on the phone but I have had job where I’ve, you know, dealt with a lot of computer stuff and database stuff but I am still really good at talking in conversations with others and I do it in a polite manner.

[Tomeya speaking] So, the reason why I start or lead a question with giving several examples of the duties in the role is because it helps that person who is being interviewed understand the type of work that they’re going to be doing and the type of answers that I’m looking for ‘how do you manage these three competing areas?’. And it also helps set the stage for the question of the type of answer that I’m looking for, so if they know I’m talking about three different things I’d like them to kind of hit on those three different things rather than just the one area.

  • [T] Can you talk about some of your personalities and other traits and of the things that you bring to the role?

  • [D] I am really focused, when I have something I have to do or a deadline even if it’s a tight deadline I will never give up, I will keep working hard until it gets done.

  • [T] Can you tell me one thing that you’re most proud of?

  • [D] I would say, you know, just working, the ambitious work, really working hard and never giving up and striving to be the best, and always treat others the way they want to be treated and that helps, you know, me as a person and them as a person get along and get the job done.

  • [T] Can you talk a little bit about how you prioritise?

  • [D] Sometimes I’ll write stuff down on notepad or a piece of paper and just look at those bullet points and… just generate from them and think what needs to be done and in what fashion, what manner, so pretty much just that stuff.

[Tomeya speaking] Sometimes the responses that he was giving me led me to believe that he wasn’t understanding what I was looking for so I’d ask a follow up question or maybe break the question down into more than one question as opposed to one long question with an end joining the two. So asking him about competing priorities, ‘What would you do first?’, answer, and then ‘What would you do second?’, answer, as opposed to ‘Tell me first and second’.

  • [T] So… every day we have a report that comes out at noon and it takes about four hours to get the job done to produce the information that needs to go into that; and so, it comes out at noon but it has to be completed by four, and then we also have letters that need to be written or correspondence that we need to send, and sometimes those can take upwards of an hour. So, when we have the report due as well as the letters can you tell me which one would you do first?

[Displayed on screen] It can help to break down questions, slow the process, use examples.

  • [D] I would do the report first, so I make sure that everything gets done there properly first and then focus on the letter.

  • [T] Why would you do the report first?

  • [D] Because I would make sure the work gets done, the regular work gets done, and then once you write the letter then you can have the information that you wrote down on the report and then you can submit it done then after that, so…

  • [T] So you would do the report because it’s kind of a normal…

  • [D] … normal thing and then you can transfer the data from the report to the letter that makes writing the letter easier.

  • [T] Sure. And then if you weren’t able to achieve getting the letter done, what would you do in that situation?

[Tomeya speaking] If you see someone who’s struggling the goal, it is not to trip them up or make it more complicated for them, it’s to try and help them, you know, put themselves in the best light, so the more we could do that is probably the best for all of us.

  • [T] How can a supervisor support you to be successful?

  • [D] I would say… you know… like… you know, they can help me out and answer any questions that I have or just help me walk me through the project, you know, that I can ask them before the project starting, like: what are some key concepts of the project, what details can I pick out, and they can walk me through that so.

  • [T] Well, thank you Dylan again for coming in. I appreciate your time. Do you have any questions for me either about the position or the company?

  • [D] When’s the nearest time I can hear back from you?

  • [T] Sure. So right now we’re just finishing the interview process, and then what will happen from here is: we’ll go through the other people that you interviewed with, we’ll go through, we’ll talk about all of the candidates, we hope to have offers out no later than the end of next week, but if you have any questions in the interim or you want to check in, you have my phone number so please feel free to give me a call.

  • [D] Alright.

  • [T] OK?

  • [D] Perfect.

  • [T] Thank you!

  • [D] Alright, thank you very much!

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